



Ph. D.

Francisco Herrera Triguero, Ph.D. (Head of the Group)
Full Professor
Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
University of Granada, E-18071
Granada, Spain
  • 1988 - M.Sc. degree in Maths
  • 1991 - Ph.D. in Maths

Areas of Interest: Knowledge extraction based on evolutionary learning, Genetic fuzzy systems, Data preparation, Subgroup discovery, Computing With Words, Aggregation, Decision Making, Real Coding Genetic Algorithms, Memetic Algorithms, Ant Colony Optimization

Jesús Alcalá Fernández, Ph.D.
Full Professor
Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
University of Granada, E-18071
Granada, Spain
  • 2002 - M.Sc. degree in Computer Science
  • 2006 - Ph.D. in Computer Science

Areas of Interest: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, BigData, Bioinformatics, Obesity, Cancer, Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence, Artificial IntelligenceExplainable, IoT, Software for Computational Intelligence, Evolutionary Fuzzy Systems, Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms, Association Rules

Rafael Alcalá Fernández, Ph.D.
Full Professor
Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
University of Granada, E-18071
Granada, Spain
  • 1998 - M.Sc. degree in Computer Science
  • 2003 - Ph.D. in Computer Science

Areas of Interest: Genetic fuzzy systems, Multiobjective learning, Fuzzy association rules

Sergio Alonso Burgos, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Software Engineering Department
University of Granada, E-18071
Granada, Spain
  • 2003 - M.Sc. degree in Computer Science
  • 2006 - Ph.D. in Computer Science

Areas of Interest: Decision Making, Quality Evaluation, Incomplete Information

Javier Arnedo, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
University of Granada, E-18071
Granada, Spain
  • 2009 - B.Sc. degree in Computer Science
  • 2011 - M.Sc. degree in Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems
  • 2014 - Ph.D. in Computer Science

Areas of Interest: Data mining, Unsupervised learning, Biclustering, Non-negative Matrix Factorization, Time series analysis, Genomics, Phenomics and Transcriptomics in mental disorders, MRI, fMRI, Connectome, Personality traits.

Alicia Desirée Benítez Yáñez, Ph.D.
Ph.D Student
Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
University of Granada, E-18071
Granada, Spain
  • 2002 - Technical Engineer in Management Computer Science
  • 2004 - M.Sc. degree in Computer Science

Areas of Interest: Estimation Distribution Algorithms

José Manuel Benítez Sánchez, Ph.D.
Full Professor
Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
University of Granada, E-18071
Granada, Spain
  • 1994 - M.Sc degree in Computer Science
  • 1998 - Ph.D. in Computer Science

Francisco Javier Cabrerizo Lorite, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
University of Granada
18071, Granada, Spain
  • 2006 - M.Sc. degree in Computer Science
  • 2008 - Ph.D. in Computer Science

Areas of Interest: Decision Making, incomplete information

Ramón Alberto Carrasco González, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Comercialización e Investigación de Mercados
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Madrid, Spain
  • 1990 - Technical Engineer in Computer Science
  • 1992 - M.Sc. degree in Computer Science
  • 2003 - Ph.D. in Computer Science

Areas of Interest: Data Mining, Clustering, Classification, Fuzzy Dependencies, Data Mining Languages

Jesús Cascón Katchadourian
Ph.D. Student
Department of Information and Communication Sciences
University of Granada, E-18071
Granada, Spain
  • 2006 - M.Sc. degree in History
  • 2012 - M.Sc. degree Information Science
  • 2013 - Master in Scientific Information and Communication
  • 2018 - Ph.D. in Scientific Information and Communication

Areas of Interest: Historical Archiving and Digitalization, GIS and Intelligent Techniques

Jorge Casillas Barranquero, Ph.D.
Full Professor
Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
University of Granada, E-18071
Granada, Spain
  • 1998 - MSc degree in Computer Science
  • 2001 - PhD degree in Computer Science

Areas of Interest: fuzzy modeling, evolutionary algorithms, data mining, intelligent mobile robotics, and intelligent systems for marketing and business intelligence

Francisco Chiclana, Ph.D.
Visiting Professor
Reader in Comput. Intelligence.
De Monfort University
Leicester, U.K.
  • 1989 - BSc degree in Mathematics
  • 2000 - Ph.D. in Mathematics

Areas of Interest: Decision Making, Computational Intelligence

Manuel Jesús Cobo Martín, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
University of Cádiz
Algeciras (Cádiz), Spain
  • 2007 - M.Sc. degree in Computer Science
  • 2008 - Master in Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems
  • 2011 - Ph.D. in Computer Science

Areas of Interest: Science Mapping, Bibliometric, Scientometric, Knowledge Visualization, Graph mining

Oscar Cordón García, Ph.D.
Full Professor
Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
University of Granada, E-18071
Granada, Spain
  • 1994 - M.Sc. degree in Computer Science
  • 1997 - Ph.D. in Computer Science

Areas of Interest: Fuzzy rule-based systems; Genetic fuzzy systems; Fuzzy and linguistic modeling; Evolutionary algorithms, Ant colony optimization and other metaheuristics; Soft computing applications to different topics (medical image registration, forensic anthropology, assembly line balancing, information retrieval etc.); Visual science maps design and mining; Multiobjective graph-based data mining; Agent-based Modeling, Social Networks, and their applications in Marketing Science.

Sergio Damas Arroyo, Ph.D.
Full Professor
Software Engineering Department
University of Granada, E-18071
Granada, Spain

    Areas of Interest: Machine Learning; Image Processing; Soft Computing; Metaheuristics; Applications; Evolutionary Computer Vision; Fuzzy Image

    Coral del Val Muñoz, Ph.D.
    Associate Professor
    Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
    University of Granada, E-18071
    Granada, Spain
    • 1999 - Ph.D. in Biological Science
    • 1995 - UNESCO Master in Edafology and Plant Biology

    Areas of Interest: Biological data extraction and integration. Development of high-trouhtput analysis pipelines

    Natalia Díaz-Rodriguez, Ph.D.
    Associate Professor
    Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
    University of Granada, E-18071
    Granada, Spain
    • 2017 - Doctoral diploma on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 2017
    • 2015 - Double PhD in Artificial Intelligence, 2015
    • 2012 - M Sc. Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems
    • 2010 - M Sc. Computer Engineering, 2010

    Areas of Interest: Deep Learning, Neural-symbolic AI, Responsible AI systems, eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI), Trustworthy AI, Responsible AI systems, AI for social good, Continual Learning, Open ended learning

    Alberto Fernandez Hilario, Ph.D.
    Full Professor
    Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
    University of Granada, E-18071
    Granada, Spain
    • 2005 - M.Sc. degree in Computer Science
    • 2010 - Ph.D. in Computer Science

    Areas of Interest: Imbalanced Classification, Big Data, Ensemble of Classifiers, Decomposition Strategies, Genetic Fuzzy Systems, Fuzzy Rule Based Classification Systems.

    Salvador García López, Ph.D.
    Full Professor
    Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
    University of Granada, E-18071
    Granada, Spain
    • xxxx - aaa

    Areas of Interest:

    Pablo David Gutiérrez Pérez, Ph.D.
    Ph.D. Student
    Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
    University of Granada, E-18071
    Granada, Spain
    • 2011 - M.Sc. degree in Computer Science
    • 2012 - Master in Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems
    • 2017 - Ph.D. in Computer Science

    Areas of Interest: Knowledge extraction based on evolutionary learning, Genetic fuzzy systems, Data preparation, Subgroup discovery, Computing With Words, Aggregation, Decision Making, Real Coding Genetic Algorithms, Memetic Algorithms, Ant Colony Optimization

    Enrique Herrera Viedma, Ph.D.
    Full Professor
    Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
    University of Granada, E-18071
    Granada, Spain
    • 1993 - M.Sc. degree in Computer Science
    • 1996 - Ph.D. in Computer Science

    Areas of Interest: Decision making, information retrieval, information filtering, quality evaluation

    Oscar Ibáñez Panizo, Ph.D.
    Juan de la Cierva Fellowship
    Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
    University of Granada, E-18071
    Granada, Spain
    • 2006 - M.Sc. degree in Computer Science
    • 2010 - Ph.D. in Computer Science

    Areas of Interest: Evolutionary Algorithms and other Metaheuristics; Fuzzy rule-based systems; Genetic fuzzy systems; Fuzzy and linguistic modeling; Soft Computing; Image Processing; Image Registration; Image Segmentation. Applications of all these techniques in Forensic Anthropology and Forensic Sciences in general, Medical Imaging, and Sustainability Agriculture and Design

    Miguel Lastra Leidinger, Ph.D.
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Software Engineering
    University of Granada, E-18071
    Granada, Spain
    • M.Sc. degree in Computer Science
    • Ph.D. in Computer Science

    Javier López Gijón, Ph.D.
    Associate Professor
    Departamento de Biblioteconomía y documentación
    University of Granada, E-18071
    Granada, Spain
    • 1978 - M.Sc. degree in Philosophy
    • 1986 - B.Sc. degree in Librarianship and Documentation
    • 2003 - Ph.D. in Documentation

    Areas of Interest: information filtering, quality evaluation

    Antonio Gabriel López Herrera, Ph.D.
    Associate Professor
    Department Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
    University of Granada, E-18071
    Granada, Spain
    • 2003 - M.Sc. degree in Computer Science
    • 2006 - Ph.D. Computer Science
    • 2007 - M.Sc. degree in Information Science
    • 2008 - Master. in Scientific Comm. & Inf.

    Areas of Interest: Information retrieval and filtering, quality evaluation, fuzzy logic, evolutionary algorithms, scientometrics

    Manuel Lozano Márquez, Ph.D.
    Full Professor
    Department Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
    University of Granada, E-18071
    Granada, Spain
    • 1992 - M.Sc. degree in Computer Science
    • 1995 - Ph.D. in Computer Science

    Areas of Interest: Real Coding Genetic Algorithms, Memetic Algorithms, Diversity

    Julian Luengo Martín, Ph.D.
    Assistant Professor
    Department Civil Engineering
    University of Burgos, E-09001
    Burgos, Spain
    • 2006 - M.Sc. degree in Computer Science
    • 2011 - Ph.D. in Computer Science

    Areas of Interest: Data preparation, Missing values, Noisy Data, Data Complexity

    M. Victoria Luzón García
    Associate Professor
    Software Engineering Departament
    University of Granada, E-18071
    Granada, Spain
    • M.Sc. degree in Computer Science
    • Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering

    Pablo Mesejo Santiago, Ph.D.
    Marie Curie Individual Fellowship
    Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
    University of Granada, E-18071
    Granada, Spain
    • 2009 - M.Sc. in Computer Science
    • 2010 - Postgraduate degree in bioinformatics, genomics and structural biology
    • 2013 - Ph.D. in Computer Science

    Areas of Interest: computer vision (image segmentation, image classification, image registration); machine learning (deep and shallow neural networks, ensemble classifiers); soft computing (metaheuristics); biomedical image analysis (in neuroscience, gastroenterology, and forensic sciences).

    Daniel Molina Cabrera, Ph.D.
    Assistant Professor
    Dept. Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos (Computer Science and Engineering)
    University of Cadiz, E-11002
    Escuela Superior de Ingeniería C/ Chile, 1
    • 2000 - M.Sc. degree in Computer Science
    • 2007 - Ph.D. in Computer Science

    Areas of Interest: Real Coding Genetic Algorithms, Memetic Algorithms

    Rosana Montes Soldado, Ph.D.
    Associate Professor
    Software Engineering Department
    University of Granada, E-18071
    Granada, Spain
    • 1999 - M.Sc. degree in Computer Science
    • 2001 - Master in Software Development
    • 2008 - Ph.D. in Computer Science

    Areas of Interest: Linguistic Decision Making Models Computing with Words e-Learning, Massive Online Open Courses Web Design, Social Media, Mobile Applications Realistic Image Synthesis

    José Antonio Moral Muñoz, Ph.D.
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Nursing and Physiotherapy
    Avda. Ana de Viya, 52
    Cádiz, Spain
    • 2009 - B. Sc. degree in Physiotherapy
    • 2011 - M. Sc. degree in Information Science
    • 2012 - Master in Scientific Information and Communication
    • 2016 - Ph. D. in Clinical Medicine and Public Health

    Juan Antonio Morente Molinera, Ph.D.
    Ph.D. Student
    Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
    University of Granada, E-18071
    Granada, Spain
    • 2010 - M.Sc. degree in Computer Science
    • 2011 - Master in Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems
    • 2012 - Master in Secondary Education
    • 2015 - Ph.D. in Computer Science

    Eduardo Peis Redondo, Ph.D.
    Full Professor
    Department of librarianship and information science.
    Colegio Máximo de Cartuja,
    18071 Granada, Spain
    • 1987 - B.Sc. in Librarianship and Documentation
    • 1993 - M.Sc. in Geography and History
    • 1997 - Ph.D. in Documentation

    Areas of Interest: Web Information Retrieval, Semantic Web Technologies, Recommender Systems

    Ignacio Javier Pérez Gálvez, Ph.D.
    Department of Computer Engineering
    University of Cadiz, E-11003
    Cadiz, Spain
    • 2007 - M.Sc. degree in Computer Science
    • 2011 - Ph.D. in Computer Science
    • 1997 - Ph.D. in Documentation

    Ana Pérez López, Ph.D.
    Associate Professor
    Facultad de Documentación y Comunicación audiovisual
    Colegio Máximo de Cartuja, E-18071
    Granada, Spain
    • 1986 - B.Sc. in Mastership
    • 1993 - B.Sc. in Librarianship and Documentation
    • 1996 - M.Sc. in Philosophy and Education Sciences
    • 2002 - Ph.D. in Documentation

    Areas of Interest: information filtering, quality evaluation

    Rosa M. Rodríguez Domínguez, Ph.D.
    Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
    University of Granada, E-18071
    Granada, Spain
    • 2008 - M.Sc. degree in Computer Science
    • 2013 - Ph.D. in Computer Science

    Areas of Interest: linguistic preference modelling, decision making, decision support systems and fuzzy logic based systems.

    Francisco Javier Rodríguez Díaz, Ph.D.
    Associate Professor
    Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
    University of Granada,
    Granada, Spain
    • 2005 - M.Sc. degree in Computer Science
    • 2012 - Ph.D. in Computer Science

    Areas of Interest: Local Genetic Algorithms, Memetic Algorithms, Multiobjective Genetic Algorithms

    Rocío C. Romero Zaliz, Ph.D.
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Computer Science
    Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences
    University of Buenos Aires, Cdad. de Buenos Aires, Argentina
    • 2001 - M.Sc. degree in Computer Science
    • 2005 - Ph.D. in Computer Science

    Areas of Interest: Structural databases, Conceptual clustering, Evolutionary algorithms

    Antonio Ángel Ruíz Rodríguez, Ph.D.
    Full Professor
    Facultad de Documentación y Comunicación audiovisual
    Colegio Máximo de Cartuja, E-18071
    Granada, Spain
    • 1978 - M.Sc. in History
    • 1984 - Ph.D. in History of Institutions

    Areas of Interest: Knowledge extraction based on evolutionary learning, Genetic fuzzy systems, Data preparation, Subgroup discovery, Computing With Words, Aggregation, Decision Making, Real Coding Genetic Algorithms, Memetic Algorithms, Ant Colony Optimization

    Ana Mª Sánchez López, Ph.D.
    Associate Professor
    Departament of Software Engineering
    University of Granada, E-18071
    Granada, Spain
    • 1991 - M.Sc. degree in Computer Science
    • 2002 - Ph.D. in Computer Science

    Areas of Interest: Real Coding Genetic Algorithms, Multiple Descendants Crossover Operators

    Siham Tabik, Ph.D.
    Ramón y Cajal Research Associate
    Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
    University of Granada, E-18071
    Granada, Spain
    • 2006 - Ph.D. in Computer Science

    Areas of Interest: High Performance Computing, Scalable Algorithms, Deep Learning Models, Object Detection in Images and Videos.

    Juan Miguel Tapia García, Ph.D.
    Associate Professor
    Department of Quantitative Methods for Economics and Business.
    University of Granada, E-18071
    Granada, Spain
    • 1990 - M.Sc. degree in Maths
    • 2001 - Ph.D. in Maths

    Areas of Interest: Decision Making.

    Maria Raquel Ureña Pérez, Ph.D.
    Ph.D. Student
    Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
    University of Granada, E-18071
    Granada, Spain
    • 2009 - M.Sc. degree Telecomunications engineering

    Andrea Valsecchi, Ph.D.
    Postdoc Researcher
    Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
    University of Granada, E-18071
    Granada, Spain
    • 2010 - M.Sc. degree in Computer Science, University of Milan-Bicocca
    • 2011 - Master in Soft Computing and Intelligent Data Analysis, University of Oviedo
    • 2013 - Ph.D. in Computer Science, University of Oviedo

    Areas of Interest: Machine Learning; Image Processing; Computer Vision; Medical Imaging, Applications in Forensic Anthropology and Forensic Sciences, Medical Imaging

    Pedro Villar Castro, Ph.D.
    Associate Professor
    Departament of Software Engineering
    University of Granada, E-18071
    Granada, Spain
    • 1991 - M.Sc. degree in Computer Science
    • 2000 - Ph.D. in Computer Science

    Areas of Interest: Genetic fuzzy systems

    Igor Zwir, Ph.D.
    Associate Professor
    Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
    University of Granada, E-18071
    Granada, Spain
    • 2001 - Ph.D. in Computer Science

    Areas of Interest: Computational tools for the analysis of genetic networks, Genomics, Phenomics and Transcriptomics in mental disorders, Personality traits in populations at risk

    Ph. D. Students

    Francisco Javier Baldán Lozano
    Ph.D. Student
    Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
    University of Granada, E-18071
    Granada, Spain
    • 2014 - M. Sc. degree in Telecommunication Engineering
    • 2015 - Master's Degree in Data Science and Computer Engineering

    Areas of Interest: Data Mining, Machine Learning, Time Series, Big Data

    Enrique Bermejo Nievas
    PhD Student
    Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
    University of Granada, E-18071
    Granada, Spain
    • 2009- Engineer in Computer Science
    • 2011- Master in Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems

    Areas of Interest: Evolutionary algorithms, Soft computing, Machine Learning, Computer Vision

    Jacinto Carrasco Castillo
    Ph.D. Student
    Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
    University of Granada, E-18071
    Granada, Spain
    • 2016 - Degree in Computer Sciences
    • 2016 - Degree in Mathematics

    Jorge Castro Gallardo
    Ph.D. Student
    Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
    University of Granada, E-18071
    Granada, Spain
    • 2009 - Technical Engineer in Computer Science
    • 2011 - M.Sc. degree in Computer Science

    Areas of Interest: Recommender systems, group recommendation

    Diego Jesús García Gil
    Ph.D. Student
    Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
    University of Granada, E-18071
    Granada, Spain
    • 2014 - M.Sc. degree in Computer Science
    • 2015 - Master in Data Science and Computer Engineering

    Areas of Interest: Data Mining, Machine Learning, Data Preprocessing and Big Data

    Óscar David Gómez López
    Ph.D. Student
    Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
    University of Granada, E-18071
    Granada, Spain
    • 2014 - Engineer in Computer Science
    • 2015 - Master in in Data Science and Computer Engineering

    Areas of Interest: Evolutionary algorithms, Soft computing, Machine Learning, Computer Vision

    Anabel Gómez Ríos
    Ph.D. Student
    Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
    University of Granada, E-18071
    Granada, Spain
    • 2016 - Degree in Computer Science
    • 2016 - Degree in Mathematics

    Sergio González Vázquez
    Ph.D. Student
    Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
    University of Granada, E-18071
    Granada, Spain
    • 2014 - Degree in Computer Science & Engineering
    • 2015 - Master degree in Computer Science & Engineering

    Areas of Interest: Data Mining, Machine Learning, Imbalanced Learning, Monotonic Classification

    Julio Herce Zelaya
    Senior Software Engineer, Ph.D. Student
    • 2012 - M.Sc. degree in Computer Science

    Areas of Interest: Recommender Systems, Web Information Retrieval, Semantic Web Technologies

    Lorenzo Hidalgo Rico
    Systems Analyst - Programmer
    University of Granada, E-18071
    Granada, Spain
    • 1993 - M.Sc. degree in Computer Science

    Areas of Interest: Information retrieval, Information filtering

    Pedro Lázaro Rodríguez
    Ph.D. Student
    Department of librarianship and information science.
    Colegio Máximo de Cartuja,
    18071 Granada, Spain
    • 2012 - M.Ed degree in Music Education
    • 2014 - M.Sc. degree Information Science
    • 2015 - Master in Scientific Information and Communication

    Areas of Interest: Public Libraries, University Libraries, Digital Libraries, Quality Evaluation, Science Mapping, Bibliometric

    Jesús Maillo Hidalgo
    Ph.D. Student
    Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
    University of Granada, E-18071
    Granada, Spain
    • 2014 - Degree in Computer Science & Engineering
    • 2015 - Master degree in Computer Science & Engineering

    Areas of Interest: Data Mining, Machine Learning, Instance Based Learning, Big Data

    Ignacio Moya Señas
    Ph.D. Student
    Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
    University of Granada, E-18071
    Granada, Spain
    • 2012 - M.Sc. degree in Computer Science and Engineering
    • 2013 - M.Sc. degree in Computer Science Research

    Areas of Interest: Agent-Based Modeling, Evolutionary computation, Soft computing, Operational Research

    Manuel Jesús Parra Royón
    Ph.D. Student
    Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
    University of Granada, E-18071
    Granada, Spain
    • 2004 - Technical Engineer in Computer Science
    • 2012 - M.Sc. degree in Computer Science
    • 2015 - Master's Degree in Data Science and Intelligent Systems
    • 2017 - Master's Degree in Business Administration (MBA)

    Areas of Interest: Data Mining, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Big Data, MOEA.

    Sergio Ramírez Gallego
    Ph.D. Student
    Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
    University of Granada, E-18071
    Granada, Spain
    • 2009 - Technical Engineer in Computer Science
    • 2012 - M.Sc. degree in Computer Science
    • 2013 - Master in Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems

    Areas of Interest: Biometrics, Data Mining, Parallel and Distributed Computing

    Juan Francisco Robles Fuentes
    Ph.D. Student
    Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
    University of Granada, E-18071
    Granada, Spain
    • 2015 - Degree in Computer Science and Engineering
    • 2016 - Master Degree in Data Science and Computer Engineering

    Areas of Interest: Agent-based modeling, Social network analysis, Genetic Algorithms, Big Data

    Elena Ruiz Sánchez
    Ph.D. Student
    Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
    University of Granada, E-18071
    Granada, Spain
    • 2014 - Degree in Computer Science and Engineering
    • 2015 - Master degree in Data Science and Computer Engineering

    Areas of Interest: Data Mining, Machine Learning, Data Stream Mining, Big Data

    Ana Valdivia García
    Ph.D. Student
    Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
    University of Granada, E-18071
    Granada, Spain
    • 2014 - Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics (UPC)
    • 2015 - Master's Degree in Computer Science and Computer Engineering (UGR)

    Areas of Interest: Data Science, Social Mining, Sentiment Analysis, Natural Language Processing, Deep Learning.


    Ely Karina Anaya Rivera

    Areas of Interest: Decision Making, Quality Evaluation, Incomplete Information

    • E-mail: [email protected]
    • Tel: +52 442 1019000
    • Professional Web:
    • Currently at:
    • Directora de Programas Académicos de Ing. en Telemática y Sistemas Computacionales
    • Universidad Politécnica de Querétaro
    • Carretera Estatal 420 S/N, El Marqués, QUERÉTARO C.P. 76240, México
    • Member of:

    Christoph Bergmeir, Ph.D.
    Faculty of Information Technology.
    Monash University, VIC 3800. Australia.
    • 2008 - Dipl.-Inf. degree in Computer Science
    • 2009 - Master in Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems
    • 2013 - Ph.D. degree in Computer Science

    Juan Bernabé Moreno, Ph.D.
    Head of Advanced Analytics and Data Lab.
    E.on Business Services
    • 2002 - M.Sc. degree in Computer Science
    • 2009 - Master in Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems

    Areas of Interest: Web Information Retrieval, Semantic Web Technologies, Recommender Systems

    Chris Cornelis, Ph.D.
    Assistant Professor
    Applied Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics
    Ghent University
    • 2000 - M.Sc. degree in Computer Science
    • 2004 - Ph.D. in Computer Science

    Manuel Chica Serrano, Ph.D.
    Technology Director of ROD Brand Consultants
    Conjoint Lecturer at University of Newcastle, Australia
    • 2004 - Technical Engineer in Computer Science
    • 2006 - M.Sc. degree in Computer Science
    • 2008 - Master in Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems
    • 2011 - Ph.D. in Computer Science

    Areas of Interest: Multiobjective evolutionary algorithms, Agent-based modeling, Social Network Analysis, Complex Systems, Data Science, Marketing

    María José Gacto Colorado, Ph.D.
    Assistant Professor.

    Contact Web:

    Working at:
    Department of Computer Science,
    School of Computing
    University of Jaen, E-23071 Jaen, Spain

    Carlos García Martínez, Ph.D.
    Assistant Professor.

    Contact Web:

    Working at:
    Department Computing and Numerical Analysis,
    University of Córdoba, E-14071 Córdoba, Spain

    José Manuel Morales del Castillo, Ph.D.
    Collection Development Manager
    El Colegio de México
    Camino al Ajusco 20, Pedregal de Sta. Teresa
    (10740) México, D.F.
    • 2004 - MLIS
    • 2008 - PhD in LIS

    Areas of Interest: Semantic Web technologies; Digital Libraries; Recommender systems

    Daniel Peralta Cámara
    Postdoctoral Researcher
    Applied Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics
    Ghent University
    • 2009 - Technical Engineer in Computer Science
    • 2011 - M.Sc. degree in Computer Science
    • 2012 - Master in Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems
    • 2016 - Ph.D. in Computer Science

    Areas of Interest: Biometrics, Data Mining, Parallel and Distributed Computing

    Carlos Porcel Gallego, Ph.D.
    Associate Professor.

    Contact Web:

    Working at:
    Dept. of Computing Science.
    University of Jaen, 23071 - Jaen, Spain

    Álvaro Tejeda Lorente, Ph.D.
    Advertising Data Analyst
    Telefonica Digital Global Advertising en Telefonica
    • 2009 - M.Sc. degree in Computer Science
    • 2010 - Master in Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems
    • 2014 - Ph.D. in Computer Sciences

    Areas of Interest: Recommender Systems, Trust, Collaborative filtering, University Digital Libraries

    Isaac Triguero Velázquez, Ph.D.
    Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
    University of Granada, E-18071
    Granada, Spain
    • 2009 - M.Sc. degree in Computer Science
    • 2014 - Ph.D. in Computer Sciences

    Areas of Interest: Data Reduction. Prototype Generation. Semi-Supervised Learning. Time Series

    Carmen Zarco Fernández, Ph.D.
    Position in the Group: Knowledge Manager.

    Currently at:
    European Centre for Soft Computing
    Edificio Científico-Tecnológico, 3ª planta
    C/ Gonzalo Gutiérrez Quirós, s/n
    E-33600 Mieres, Asturias, Spain

    Past Members

    José Luis Aznarte Mellado, Ph.D.
    Position in the Group: Ph.D. Student.

    Contact Web:

    Currently at:
    ETS de Ingeniería Informática
    Distance Learning University of Spain (UNED)
    28040 Madrid, Spain

    Carmen Campomanes Álvarez
    • 2011 – M. Sc. degree in Telecommunication Engineering

    Areas of Interest: Evolutionary algorithms, Fuzzy rule-based system, Fuzzy and linguistic modeling, Soft computing, Machine Learning, Computer Vision

    José Andrés Delgado López
    Ph.D. Student
    Department of librarianship and information science
    Colegio Máximo de Cartuja, E-18071
    Granada, Spain
    • 2007- B. Sc. degree in Library and Information Science
    • 2010-M. Sc. degree in Information Science

    Areas of Interest: Web Information Retrieval, Semantic Web Technologies, Recommender Systems

    Joaquín Derrac Rus, Ph.D.
    Data Scientist


    Contact Web:

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Michela Fazzolari
    Ph. D
    Universidad de Pisa. Facultad de Ingenieria
    Departamento de Ciencias de la Computacion
    Contratada de proyecto europeo
    • 2006 - B.Sc. degree in Computer Engineering
    • 2009 - M.Sc. degree in Computer Engineering

    Areas of Interest: Knowledge extraction based on evolutionary learning, Genetic fuzzy systems, Data preparation, Subgroup discovery, Computing With Words, Aggregation, Decision Making, Real Coding Genetic Algorithms, Memetic Algorithms, Ant Colony Optimization

    Jose García Moreno-Torres, Ph.D.

    Contact Web:

    Working at:
    Kreditech Holding SSL GmbH

    Jose María García Torres, Ph.D.
    Full Professor
    Secondary School Teacher
    I.E.S. Juan Antonio Carrillo salcedo
    C/ Cervantes, s/n
    41530 Morón de la Frontera (SEVILLA)
    • 2005 - M.Sc. degree in Computer Science
    • 2009 - Master in Software Development
    • 2013 - Ph.D. in Computer Science

    Oscar Harari, Ph.D.
    Position in the Group: Postdoc.

    Contact Web:

    Currently at:
    Department of Psychiatry,
    Washington University in St. Louis,
    Campus Box 8134, 660 S. Euclid Ave, St. Louis, MO 63110, USA

    Benjamin Lacroix, Ph.D.
    IDEAS Research Institute
    Robert Gordon University, Riverside East
    Garthdee Road
    Aberdeen AB10 7GJ
    United Kingdom
    • 2006 - BSc/Hons Computer Science
    • 2007 - Master in Cognitive Science
    • 2010 - Master in Soft Computing and Intelligent Data Analysis
    • 2015 - PhD in Com

    Areas of Interest: Continuous optimisation, memetic algorithms, niching strategies

    Victoria López Morales, Ph.D.
    Post-doctoral research
    Department of Computing
    Imperial College London
    • 2009 - M.Sc. degree in Computer Science
    • 2010 - Master in Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems
    • 2014 - Ph.D. in Computer Science

    Areas of Interest: Cost-Sensitive Learning, Imbalanced Classification, Fuzzy Rule Based Classification Systems, Discretization, Big Data

    Ana María Palacios Jimenez, Ph.D.
    Postdoctoral researcher
    Department Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
    University of Granada, E-18071
    Granada, Spain
    • Ph.D. in Informatic engineering from the University of Oviedo

    Areas of Interest: Genetic fuzzy systems, Low Quality data - imprecise data, fuzzy association rules, imbalanced dataset

    Cristina Rubio Escudero, Ph.D.
    Associate Professor
    Dpto. Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos
    E.T.S. de Ingeniería Informática
    Av. Reina Mercedes s/n 41012 Sevilla
    Granada, Spain
    • 2003 - M.Sc. degree in Computer Science
    • 2007 - Ph.D. in Computer Science

    Areas of Interest: Microarray data analysis, Genetic Networks, Fuzzy Clustering

    José Antonio Sáez Muñoz, Ph.D.
    ENGINE Centre, Wroc law University of Technology
    Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego 27, Wroc law, 50-370, Poland.
    • 2009 - M.Sc. degree in Computer Science
    • 2010 - Master in Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems
    • 2014 - Ph.D. in Computer Science

    Areas of Interest: Machine learning, classification, noisy data, discretization, imbalanced learning.

    Lala Septem Riza, Ph.D.

      José Santamaría López, Ph.D.
      Position in the Group: Ph.D. Student.

      Contact Web:

      Currently at:
      EPS de Linares, Departamento de Informática.
      C/ Alfonso X El Sabio, 28,
      23700, Linares, University of Jaén (Spain)